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Renee S (New Member) USA

Author: Renee S (New Member) USA
Total 4 posts - Started on 2024-06-11

The date and time seen above were input by the site. Not by me. Sunday, June 9, 2024 There was a method to be found . . . or perhaps several . . . in the madness of driving my "brand new" 64 year old car 487 miles in the first 72 hours or so since purchasing her . . . which is to say 72-1/2 hours after first setting eyes on her. Sure, I'd seen 300 photographs days earlier, and checked her tires, wheel bearings, brakes, belts, hoses, coolant and oil before I set off. But the real examination would come today as she would sit in a "LBC barn" surrounded by MGs, a Trump or two, and another...

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Tim Clackett USA

Author: Tim Clackett USA
Total 27 posts - Started on 2015-07-11

More progress; painting the engine bay so that the front suspension can be fitted.

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Author: user103304
Total 14 posts - Started on 2018-08-24


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Rikard V SWE

Author: Rikard V SWE
Total 8 posts - Started on 2018-06-30

20200327 IMG 0597
Rear axle is almost ready to be installed now. I have a semi-aluminium 1030(Dana 30) from Volvo 240, this axle is pretty rare as it was randomly installed in production cars on trial and in some ambulance/police cars. I've changed the open diff to an Eaton G80 from Volvo 940 Turbo wich was pretty simple. Gear ratio is at the moment 3.54 wich I hope will work with the Ford engine in this low weight car.


Author: Ron C USA
Total 5 posts - Started on 2019-10-27

IMG 1800
After installing engine/transmission, unsticking frozen clutch plate, getting all electrics working, reinstalling bonnet and accessories, refinishing all exterior and interior woodwork, it is time to reupholster. Once upholstery is done and installed, I'll mount the rear doors, make adjustments, and she'll be done. Couldn't have gotten this far without the wonderful advice and suggestions from the members of this site.

Greg Benson USA

Author: Greg Benson USA
Total 16 posts - Started on 2019-02-09

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Three shows in one week end. Jay-Mars Cruise in Fort Dodge Iowa, Harcourt Days Car Show, Hot August Night Show Jefferson lowa. Notice new Tomato Red pin stripe on body and dash. The only Morris Minor at any of these shows drew a lot of attention. One old boy was so excited, he said he worked at a factory in Leads England that made the vent window frames in 1958. He said he probably made mine. Had a great time talking to people about the Morris.

Chris Jones AUS

Author: Chris Jones AUS
Total 6 posts - Started on 2018-04-07

IMG 0999
Bugger just when I was starting to get into the restoration, bloody back had to go out again. OH well, a few weeks off and hopefully I will be good to go.

Carly Fenton-Wyrick USA

Author: Carly Fenton-Wyrick USA
Total 7 posts - Started on 2013-11-11

20170114 183040
Here is a blog post of our restoration project so far for a 1959 4 door Morris Minor 1000 with Alex Haugland. https://carlyfenton.wordpress.com/2017/02/05/4-door-morris-minor-restoration-disassembly-body-prep/

Greg Oakes Silver Member USA

Author: Greg Oakes Silver Member USA
Total 10 posts - Started on 2016-06-06

Gbox 148
1/21/2016 Save for getting some new parts ordered, I have my new mainshaft assembled. The job gets a lot simpler now. Initially I was going to reuse some of the expensive pieces that were still serviceable but I've now decided to replace everything that needs it now or sometime in the near future - this includes 1st gear, the two big shaft bearings, and all 3 synchros.

Glenn Sherwood CAN

Author: Glenn Sherwood CAN
Total 8 posts - Started on 2014-04-15

All put away for the winter...safely stored snug in the trailer...

Peter Rasmussen USA

Author: Peter Rasmussen USA
Total 6 posts - Started on 2015-02-11

Well, here it is another cold morning in March and I am off to look at another Minor. This one runs and I should be able to test drive it. It will be my first time driving one. I hope that I enjoy it! When I was 20 I owned a 1948 English Ford Squire Wagon, I hope the Morris is as much fun to drive as that was.


Author: Tim J AUS
Total 9 posts - Started on 2014-11-24

Front suspension most of it laid out ready for i
So this Journal post basically brings the project up to date. The front suspension has been assembled and the car is now ready to sit back onto its own 4 feet for the first time in 25 years. We have one small issue in that one of the reconditioned shock absorbers purchased 25 years ago seems to not be fully functional, likely the result of sitting idle for such a long time. Another unit will be installed in the near future.

Kristian Bassilios USA

Author: Kristian Bassilios USA
Total 10 posts - Started on 2013-04-08

Early on I noticed that the rear suspension was sagging to the extent that the right leaf spring was rubbing the frame. Upon closer inspection, it looks like a previous owner had welded in a small piece of steel bar on the frame just below where the shackle mounts. As such it reduced the clearance for the spring/shackle significantly. Generally, the reason for such a modification would be to reinforce the frame so I was not comfortable with removing it. Nonetheless, it was obvious that the rubber used throughout the rear was deformed significantly and therefor a full replacement would...

Roger D CAN

Author: Roger D CAN
Total 7 posts - Started on 2013-01-22

First try too fishy
Several ideas for this, but finally got it figured out.

pandora gibson NZL

Author: pandora gibson NZL
Total 6 posts - Started on 2012-11-26

This week so far ive done a cut and polish, cleaned the engine bay and tracked down the nuts and washers I needed!! She looks amazing under all of the grease, and cant wait for the weekend. Apparently she was a good little runner before the head got removed so fingers crossed she will be again! Should have her started in the weekend, Cross those fingers for me .

Simone Bailey ZAF

Author: Simone Bailey ZAF
Total 7 posts - Started on 2011-10-31

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Complete with new parts ordered from Charles Ware Morris Minor Centre, UK.

Jessica Zdanowicz USA

Author: Jessica Zdanowicz USA
Total 4 posts - Started on 2012-01-22

Outside rear
From the rear and straight on front. The rear photo show the magnetic signs for my band “Freddie and the Cruisers” that I attach when we play car shows.

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